Sell Old Books Online

Sell your old books for Cash. Buy old books at an affordable price.

You can buy or sell old books in India at affordable price in This is a online platform to connect Seller and Buyer of books directly, no middle man, its direct. You can post/sell books instantly here.

CBSE / NCERT Text books, Reference books, JEE, Engineering, NEET, Medical, Competitive exams, Research, Commerce, UPSC, Civil Service, Literature, Novels, Motivational, Self-Development, Spiritual and many others books are available in multiple languages.

What is the value of a book after reading it? it becomes a garbage after reading. Here is your chance to convert your old book into cash.

Latest Old Books

Book with new pages and no written things
Price Rs: 250
Book Photo:

It a book in excellent condition, 2023 edition, no torn or missing page .
Price Rs: 500
Book Photo:

New book did not touch contains numericals and application based questions of physics class 10 icse goyal brothers prakashan ready for exam
Price Rs: 420
Book Photo:

Class 7 book of mathematics
Price Rs: 500
Book Photo:

In accordance with National Education policy Detailed infomative book with well diagram,map & pictures Well described reference book for class 9th students
Price Rs: 468
Book Photo:

Whatever may be the price, the monetary value of a book after reading is zero.

If we are able to resell / rent our books, we will be able to recover some amount of book price we spent. With that money we can buy another book. The ability resell or rent our books will remove the hesitation for buying books further. Buy books without worrying about Price which we can recover later after reading book via resell or rent.

Moreover, those who can not afford for new books, can search the book they want in at an affordable price. If they can not find the book they want, they can post their requirement in “i want” section.

There is a need for selling buying old books, which will encourage reading books ultimately either new or old without worrying price.